
So you want to join apex?

Whether you’re an experienced lifter or a novice looking for guidance, we welcome you.

Apex is a semi-private studio focused on providing the best possible experience for athletes and those who are dedicated to lifting and fitness. TO ENSURE a COMFORTABLE and effective training space apex enforces a membership cap. before signing up, please submit this application form and a club representative will be in touch with you.

Club Access
Every month

Unlimited Club Access

Club Access + In-Person Coaching
Every week

Unlimited Club Access + One Weekly In-Person Coaching Session

membership Perks

  • Access to a well maintained gym environment filled with like minded individuals. The ultimate place to chase your goals

  • The facility is filled to the brim with the highest quality Weights, racks, barbells, and machines that money can buy.

  • Your in person coaching is performed by highly knowledgeable individuals with a passion for health and fitness.